A freight can also represent all of the baggage you’ve acquired in your life, and that perhaps it is time to take stock of that which weighs you down and that which supports your journey. Perhaps you are evaluating the emotional baggage you’ve inherited and realizing that it is time to lighten your load.
Freight Dream Interpretation
Dreams of a freight can represent abundance and that your ship has come in.
[1]Freight Dream Interpretation
Whether your dream featured freight standing in a yard, being handled, being transported by train or truck, or even if you only observed a freight train passing, you may expect an improvement in your working or business conditions.
[2]Freight Dream Interpretation
1. Weight, a burden or obligation, usually emotional.
[3]2. A feeling that positive change is in the offing, often in professional or business affairs.
Freight Dream Interpretation
Excess baggage or trips you do not need.
[4]A lot of freight means you are trying to carry too heavy a load.