Cedar Dream Interpretation
To dream of cedar denotes happiness, joy and peace (Artemidorus); a symbol of incorruptibility (Bayley); the cedar of Lebanon, by its height, perfume and healing qualities was a symbol of goodness and of the Virgin (Clement).
[1]Cedar Dream Interpretation
Any dream featuring the smell or use of this aromatic wood is an omen of happy contentment with your lot, whatever it may be.
[2]See Trees.
Cedar Dream Interpretation
Because it is an “evergreen”, it has permanent security, i.E.
[3]A christian; see “tree”
Cedar Dream Interpretation
1. Upright and royal;
[4]2. Powerful person;
3. Evergreen; 1 Kings 9:10-11; Jer. 17:8.
Cedar Dream Interpretation
In native american lore, a wood burned to ward off bad dreams.