The contact is pleasant and undemanding, but I feel more and more ill at ease. I feel Jane is not having any respect for my relationship with my wife and stan to tell her so’ (Mr BS). In the example the bed is the environment in which the action takes place.
The bed is an opportunity to explore the dreamer’s decisions about sex.
Bed is one of the commonest symbols in dreams. It represents, depending on the dream context, marriage; sex, rest, giving up and taking to one’s bed, passivity; sensual rather than sexual contact; sickness, intimacy, privacy. Sometimes it represents sleep and meeting or unconscious—or torture, because in bed we may be tortured by insomnia, worries, physical pain. Also our lives—you’ve made your bed, now lie on it. Bed is an important symbol to understand. It so often shows exactly what we are doing in our subtle areas of relationship. In the example, the man is wrestling with his desire for pleasure and his sense of commitment; but also, whether he will keep his pleasure for himself, or share it with his wife.
See example in contraceptive. Idioms: bed of nails; bed of roses; go to bed with; make one’s bed and lie on it.